Open roster

#6 John Randolph
#13 John "Doc" Doherty
#19 Reed Hendrickson
#20 Charlie Eide
#27 Xtehn Titcomb
#29 Sam Cook
#30 Mark Burton
#32 Alex Duffel
#42 Cam Smith-Bailey
#60 Brad Houser
#85 Mikey Cavanaugh
#98 Aldous Root
Adam Jemal
Cameron Baker
Dennis Casio
Derek Mourad
Eddie Harmoush
Henry Schneider
Jack Brown
John Quandt
Kodi Smart
Manny Eckert
Marc Munoz
Morgan Higgins
Niall McCarthy
Nick Mahan
Nick Roberts
Padraig Sweeney
Peter Geertz-Larson
Qxhna Titcomb
Robby Anderst
Ryan Segal
Shane Worthington
Stephanie Lim
Victor Keegan Taggart
William Coffin

The open team will compete in 14 regular season AUDL games. If we finish first or second in the West Division, then we'll play one playoff game for a spot at Championship Weekend in August.

Mixed/Women's roster

#10 Lexi Garrity
#20 Charlie Eide
#33 Sarah "CO" Davis
#41 Kelly Johnson
#81 Lani Nguyen
Alyson Horton
Charlie Mercer
Emily Zukowski
Jess Spaulding
Laura "Nugget" Noges
Laura Manson
Qxhna Titcomb
Rohre Titcomb
Stephanie Lim
Taylor Hartman



-- Our mixed team will include ~15 women and ~15 men, of which 10 & 10 will compete in the Cascades Cup and other Cup games.

-- Most (if not all) of the players on our Mixed roster will come from the open roster.


-- Our over-arching goal is to create positive and sustainable opportunities for women to play. To this end, we are working to figure out a women's team concept that works for this season.



#6 John Randolph

#6 John Randolph

#8 Casey Sasquatch

#8 Casey Sasquatch

#13 John "Doc" Doherty

#13 John "Doc" Doherty

#19 Reed Hendrickson

#19 Reed Hendrickson

#27 Xtehn Titcomb

#27 Xtehn Titcomb

#29 Sam Cook

#29 Sam Cook

#30 Mark Burton

#30 Mark Burton

#32 Alex Duffel

#32 Alex Duffel

#42 Cam Bailey

#42 Cam Bailey

#60 Brad Houser

#60 Brad Houser

#85 Mikey Cavanaugh

#85 Mikey Cavanaugh

#98 Aldous Root

#98 Aldous Root

Past Rosters