AUDL showcase during Vikings half-time

More than 50K people are going to experience this AUDL men's ultimate showcase game tonight. More than five times that many are going to see it on TV.

Minnesota Wind Chill and Madison Radicals play at half-time of Minnesota Vikings game at U.S. Bank Stadium! Secure your tickets! #AUDL #skol

Minnesota Wind Chill and Madison Radicals play at half-time of Minnesota Vikings game at U.S. Bank Stadium! Secure your tickets! #AUDL #skol

This kind of exposure can be a game-changer for our relatively small sport, and presents both an opportunity and a challenge: how do we present ourselves in the face of so many people who are brand new to ultimate?

The sport of ultimate is energetic, athletic, and demonstrates good teamwork. It's non-contact and it showcases skill, strategy, and mental toughness. The cost of playing is minimal and all ages & genders can participate. Plus, it's incredibly fun to play!

As the Seattle Cascades, our values include promoting the women's and mixed divisions of our sport as well as the men's. While this Vikings game demo is awesome, it is an asymmetrical representation of our sport. Our hope is that the faces that light up when they see the disc fly will soon discover that women and girls play too! The onus is on us (ultimate organizations, fans, players) to make that happen.

If the Seattle Cascades get the opportunity to play at a Seattle Seahawks or Seattle Sounders FC game, we will aim to get the Cascades Cup (mixed gender) team on the field: