Danny Karlinsky


Birth Date: 5/2/1985

Height: 5' 8"

Weight: 150

Status: Captain
2nd Year
2015 Team Leader in Completions
2015 Team Leader in Hockey Assists

College: University of California Santa Cruz

Past Teams:
Sockeye, Emerald City Ultimate, Voodoo, Condors, Revolver, Monster, Banana Slugs, Rainmakers

Season Goals Assists Blocks
2016 3 5 0

"I'm pumped to play ultimate with new people, new rookies, and a crop of athletes who are hungry to make an impact immediately. It's always energizing to see the excitement from somebody new getting their first block in their first game! The team dynamics are second to none. We push each other to play our best, grow as players, and contribute to the Cascades identity in positives ways. The on-field play is also unbelievably fun as we get to test out a bunch of different strategies against so many great and unique teams. My teammates motivate me. They push me to compete, succeed at the highest levels, and inspire me with their play. We are a band of brothers through and through. We're primed and hungry. We were extremely close to making it to the big show in San Jose last year and we are ready to take all the things we've learned and make a big push into the playoffs in 2016."