


COVID-19 Return to Play Safety Plan (Summer, 2020)

Seattle Cascades will implement the following at all youth clinics and camps:

  • The beginning and end of camp and all breaks will include hand washing.

  • We will screen all kids and staff for signs/symptoms of COVID-19 at the start of every camp/clinic/shift. This includes a temperature check and answering a questionnaire each day.

  • Check in will be a two part process:

    •  Parent questions and any medical information will be addressed via email/phone conversations the day prior to the event.

    • Youth and parents will distance themselves in line (6’), wash their hands with sanitizer and proceed to check in. Youth players will be met by a designated staff member to have their temperatures taken and answer a questionnaire (over 100.4 will not be admitted). They will then be directed where to store gear separate from others and then to their individual groups of 5.

  • Dismissal will be directed from within the groups of 5, no more than 3 total at a time:

    • Players will be released from the group when the guardian arrives

    • Player will wash hands thoroughly

    • Player will go directly to their guardians and leave the area

  • Everyone on the site must wear a face mask covering. Masks may be removed when performing physical activity. Masks must cover nose and mouth and any exhalation valve must be taped or covered.

  • Before and after snack breaks, players will wash hands thoroughly with hand sanitizer or soap & water.

  • Players are advised to bring clearly marked water bottles. Limited water will be available on site.

  • Parents and household members are allowed to observe clinic activities from the sidelines providing they follow the 6’ minimum social distancing guidelines at all times.

  • Players will remain with their group of 5 (pod) throughout the camp. Breaks will be staggered and lunches held with their pod. At all times a buffer zone of 6 feet will be maintained between pods. 

  • Players and staff must stay home or immediately go home if they feel or appear sick. All areas where an employee with probable or confirmed COVID-19 illness worked, touched surfaces, etc. will be cordoned off until the area and equipment is cleaned and sanitized. We will follow the cleaning guidelines set by the CDC to deep clean and sanitize. 

  • Entering and leaving the turf playfield: All campers, coaches, and camp personnel must vacate the field within 15 minutes of the end of the reservation.  All equipment and garbage must be removed from the field within 15 minutes of the end of the reservation.

  • Maintain minimum 6 foot separation between all employees (and customers) in all interactions when feasible. When strict physical distancing is not feasible for a specific task, other prevention measures are required, such as use of barriers, personal protective equipment, staggered breaks, and alternating work shift starts. 

  • Provide personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, goggles, face shields and face masks as appropriate or required to employees for the activity being performed. 

  • Cloth facial coverings must be worn by every employee not working alone on the job site unless their exposure dictates a higher level of protection under Department of Labor & Industries safety and health rules and guidance. Refer to Coronavirus Facial Covering and Mask Requirements for additional details. A cloth facial covering is described in the Department of Health guidance,

  • The beginning and end of camp and all breaks will include hand washing with either soap & water or hand sanitizer for all -staff and youth. Use disposable gloves where safe and applicable to prevent transmission on tools or other items that are shared. 

  • All breaks will include exchanging all discs used by participants with sanitized discs (bleach solution).

  • Monica Johnson will perform frequent cleaning and sanitizing with a particular emphasis on commonly touched surfaces. 

  • Monica Johnson will screen employees for signs/symptoms of COVID-19 at the start of every shift. Temperatures will be taken and questionnaires will be completed by each employee*.

  • A site-specific COVID-19 Supervisor shall be designated by the employer at each job site to monitor the health of employees and enforce the COVID-19 job site safety plan. 

  • A worker may refuse to perform unsafe work, including hazards created by COVID-19. And, it is unlawful for their employer to take adverse action against a worker who has engaged in safety protected activities under the law if their work refusal meets certain requirements. Employees who choose to remove themselves from a worksite because they do not believe it is safe to work due to the risk of COVID-19 exposure may have access to certain leave or unemployment benefits. Employers must provide high-risk individuals covered by Proclamation 20-46 with their choice of access to available employer-granted accrued leave or unemployment benefits if an alternative work arrangement is not feasible. Other employees may have access to expanded family and medical leave included in the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, access to use unemployment benefits, or access to other paid time off depending on the circumstances. Additional information is available at

  • From a programming standpoint, we will be implementing protocols and guidelines that focus on the health & safety of players and coaches during our activities. List of guidelines here:

*using the following criteria