Thanks for participating in the fitness testing at the Cascades combine! We'd like to give you some ideas for improvement in the areas we measured - please take a look at the info below! tl;dr: cool exercises that will make you a better/less at-risk athlete and come visit our awesome new gym

Players performed two fitness tests at the Cascades Combine:


(A) Ren Fitness stability & mobility evaluation. We used several tests from the FMS, modified for a group format, to help identify weaknesses in your current movement patterns. The scoring is as follows:

            3 = passed, no need to focus on this area.
            2 = needed a modification or wasn't up to the standard - this is an opportunity to improve! 
            1 = wasn't able to complete within the parameters of the test - this area needs focus in order to improve performance and reduce injury risk.

(B) Speed & agility: a 40-yard dash with one change in direction.

Each person at the Combine is represented by a Player ID in the table below. If you don't know your player ID, email Xtehn <> for it.


(A) We used several tests from the FMS, modified for a group format, to help identify weaknesses in your current movement patterns. The scoring is as follows:

            3 = passed, no need to focus on this area.
            2 = needed a modification or wasn't up to the standard - this is an opportunity to improve! 
            1 = wasn't able to complete within the parameters of the test - this area needs focus in order to improve performance and reduce injury risk.

Here's the FMS-based tests we did and what they measure:


Active Straight-Leg Raise: increasing hip mobility and hamstring flexibility for improved acceleration and change of direction and reduced injury risk

You'll see two number (i.e. 2/1) - the first number corresponding to the right leg, the other to the left. Pay special attention to asymmetry - if you have a big difference right/left, you're more at risk for injury

Shoulder Mobility: balancing out asymmetry and increasing range of motion for stronger arm action, better throws and reduced injury risk

You'll see two number (i.e. 2/1) - the first number corresponding to the right leg, the other to the left. Pay special attention to asymmetry - if you have a big difference right/left, you're more at risk for injury

Trunk Stability: improving motor control in the torso for stronger, quicker cutting/pivoting and reducing injury risk

This test is less about upper body strength and more about being able to fire the musculature simultaneously


(B) We also had you run 40 yards with a direction change - this is a better test of ultimate fitness than a straight 40 because most of ultimate's straight-line running comes off a change of direction. If you're in the lower 1/3 of the crew on this test, there's a few possible reasons why:


*energy leaks explained by one of the tests above - for instance, if you did poorly on the Active Straight-Leg Raise, you don't have the best hip mobility, which causes your glutes to not fire as powerfully - this makes you slower off the turn and in a straight line

*technique issues - where you place your foot on the turn, your arm action, where your feet strike the ground - these are things that can be optimized with good training

*being in pre-season shape - if you haven't been doing much conditioning yet, you weren't in a spot to perform your best - this will obviously improve once you rock some more conditioning

The correctives for this test mostly address improving technique!
All the correctives for these tests can be found here!

Please let us know if you have any questions - we can be reached at If you'd like info about what's going on at RenFitness, check out our website! :) Hope to see y'all in the gym and on the field in the future!